Friday, May 17, 2013



In my blog entitled 'CHAKRA CENTERS' and 'TORCHURE IN SPORTS, THE WORLD; DNA'  I spoke of the 7 Chakra Centers of God, that are guides to dealing with the rights and wrongs of life.  If we are literally sick about something we have to turn around and face that situation.  Some where a wrong was done to you, or you did a wrong  to another person.  This scene is what is bothering you, because God is telling you about it.

Some times these feelings will subside for a time.  But at a later time the issue will resurface and bother us again.  It is important that you give attention to it.

If, in the course of life, this bothersome scene, continues to bother;  it eats away at us so to speak.  It can cause an uptight feeling and restrict our glandular flow.  By this up tightness a sickness is felt.  Now we have moved away from the cause and up tightness, and have forgotten what and where the CAUSE was.

A husband and wife have an issue, but the wife, as much as she brings it up, to rectify it, is just ignored  by the husband.  So the eating process kicks in again.  After a time, and it could be days, weeks or years the aching will lead to cancer.

In some instances an over pouring of love will come to the cancer patient.  This love in itself will heal cancer.  But an attitude of 'it's no use'  or  'I don't believe him any more', may have instilled itself.  A mistrust of that love does not allow the cancer to heal.


In our DNA is a picture of our very being.  As we grow in life, in our thoughts, and learning, different situations come to us.  As we think, evaluate, judge, we change our minds on certain situations.  In this mind changing, slight changes occur in our DNA picture.

DNA by bone marrow, etc.  inserted into another person for the healing of cancer, is actually inserting the thought process of a well person.  How this well  person would evaluate the sick problem eating at you, would be entirely different in his thought process.  Thus this DNA 'thought process influence' can give you a different attitude on the problem at hand.  Therefore, by this different attitude, you will now allow this to come into the issue of healing.

All this is happening in the minute reading of DNA.


We are turning out many e-mails, and phone calls today to find a guilt to charge people with.  We have to go about very careful in the things we say and our actions with those things.  Are they slanderous?  Are they truth or lie? If a lie,  DON'T say them.  If truth, stand behind them.   Truth is God and he is there automatically with you.  But also be prepared to stand behind what ever you say.


It is given, to have thought a thing of lust for another persons wife, in your heart, is to actually have done the deed.

With God, by our Chakra Center connectedness, he knows all, our deeds, our preceding thoughts.  There is no secret about anything to him.  So, by that, speak and act everything you do and say, as if you are saying them to God first, as they have already preceded you in your thoughts.

If we conduct ourselves in this manner, anything can be put on a billboard of the world with out our feeling a guilt for it.

For what reason is the taking of phone calls from Associated Press?  Are they the White House or Obama looking for some slander against themselves?

This slander can be a two way street.
 1.  If it is slander against Obama or another, what are they trying to do with this info?  If it is truth and slanderous against Obama. they want to curb any info before it is taken against Obama, in the news.

2.  If Obama determines this to be a slanderous lie, but it hasn't gone into print yet, he may want to do something to save himself from this fact.  But he first wants to know who is saying these things.  May he take some action against this one first  to prevent the print.  If the info is the truth, he will not want it to go into print.  If it is a lie, he does not want it to go to print.

If it is a good truth, why would he care about it?  So it must be a bad truth, to stick his neck out to request the phone calls of journalists.  This shows itself for what it is.  Which way does it go?  Is it truth or lie?  If truth Obama wants to snuff it out.  So therefore the truth has guilt in it.  And then also find a punishment for that person.  HOW? Oh, maybe audit their taxes.

What is Obama looking for?  This action, by being put into an earth action, actually commits the White House.

If they did this in Armageddon City, they just have to ask for a copy of any phone call that they want.  They have already done this, so they come to earth for the real proof in the putting, on earth.  They already know what they are looking for.  By taking them in a bunch does not identify the real person doing the phone calling.  But by the paper work from Earth, they can then go forth with charges of a type.

Are they looking to stop more scandal, or, in essence are they saying we want to put a crimp on those speaking of negative actions of the White House, by the White House, to shut them up in some way?  What they would rally like to do is reverse the scandal to the ones doing the phone calls to make them look like they are at fault; as if the White House was lily white.

Just as the shame of Pentagon activity was brought forth with Bradley and Assange.  They did not break any secret disservice to this country.  They brought forth a truth, but then Obama blamed them for it as if it were a grand wrong, to save the info from coming forth.  This action made it look as if, what Bradley printed was against the USA.  It was a truth for us to all regard to the graft with in our CIA.  And poor Bradley still sits in prison for it today.  Please let him out?

A newspaper can put much into print over night.  They have grand leverage, but must stick with the truth to save law suits.  If there are conversations between journalists they don't like, they are trying to bring charges against them,  before the truthful news comes forth against the White House, ie Obama.  They want to speak the news as a lie, before we get to judge it.

Karl Rove is also Norstrom
  Chuck Schumer, a Senator
  Chris Van Hollen, a Senator
  J.B. Van Hollen, a Wisconsin Attorney General
  Dale Schultz, a Wisconsin Senator
  Pope Benedict XVI, retired Pope  These are all of his bodies.  Not one is a citizen of this USA.
  Rush Limbaugh

Russia has just taken to jail a USA spy of the CIA, with a few wigs.  This man is Aaron Rogers.
Also Rahm Emanuel,  Chicago Mayor
  Was Pope Pius XII in WWII time
  Is Jay Christopher Stevens, he played dead in Benghazi
  Is Sonja Sotomayer, on the Supreme Court
  Is Christian Amanpour, Journalist.  He'll report it any way you want to here it.
  Steven Miller, works for the IRS, to frame Tea Party people for being against his party, and sink them in taxes.
  He has played Will Ayres.
  He is the actor entertainer CHE
  He was on Dancing with the Stars, as Levi Smith

Just these two are in charge of a phenominal amount of money.

Here I repeat what I have said a few times before,  Rahm Emanuel is also the President of Ecuador.  He has the total monetary system of Ecuador listed under the USA dollar.  It is carefully hidden, listed as a Security in the Federal Reserve System of the USA,.  with NO gold backing in this system.

This Steve Miller is also mixed in the Stock Market.  He has a computer program attached to many stocks.  It is programmed to buy and sell at certain changes as they come about.  By this illegal system he is raping grand profits.

Karl Rove is also mixed up in this system.  Check out a few big bankers also, like Jamie Daimon and Reince Priebus.

Put this all together with the tithes of the Catholic Church, all tax free in its investments.  For many years Robert Mueller was the Head of the Vatican Bank, called Paul Marcinkus until he was wanted by the FBI and exiled in Vatican City.  So he also took the job of Head of the FBI to protect his butt.  Today he has another body acting as Secretary of State,  John Kerry.  All related bodies.  DNA will prove this.

Today the past Secretary of the Treasury, Tim Geitner has been moved into the seat of the Vatican Banker.
Karl Rove has given up the Popes seat and Leon Panetta is Pope Francis.  All the money is in grip of the Armageddon City boys and girls.  They hang on dearly.

Leon Panetta is also David Paterson
  Mike Bloomberg
  Andrew Cuomo
  David Corn
  Juan Williams
  Charles Krauthammer.  and Several others he plays.  Some days he has played the President, along with Reverend Al Sharpton

Now the latest scandal with the money of the IRS, also has connected to this bunch of bums.

Lois Lerner is a member of Armageddon City.  So is Sarah Ingram, aka Eva Brahn.

Kathleen Sobelius has been taking millions of dollars out of the Health Care fund for campaign expenses.  She is also a lady that uses her seven bodies to her advantage.
Kathleen Sobelius, Health and Human Services Secretary
  Olympia Snowe, Senator
  Kelly Ayotte,  Senator
  Susan Rice,  UN Ambassador,  She is also a Czar.
Another member of Armageddon City.  DNA testing is needed here.  Not one of these people are USA citizens.


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